Category Archives: Uncategorized


This gallery contains 31 photos.

I Was Right Doggonit!

Background:  We have two dogs.  One of them likes to eat things he or she should not eat.  These things include: two twenty-dollar bills, one ten-dollar bill, dog beds, cat toys, gum taken out of my purse, candy (including wrappers), dog toys, and more. My husband and I have been disagreeing over which dog commits these acts of rebellion.  I am convinced it is Sock our back and white, three-legged dog. He states that I have no proof of the crime so it could be Buster, our brown four-legged dog.

Now I have proof!

Over the weekend, while putting up our train display in the garage, one of the two criminals struck again.  I came into the house to find my husband’s lunch bag, unzipped (Buster couldn’t figure out how to get out of a paper bag…I love him, but he isn’t very bright), and every item in the bag removed, destroyed, or eaten.  I found bits of plastic spoons, plastic containers, and parts of granola bar wrappers all over the floor near the dog bed. Apparently, Sock likes to have breakfast in bed!

Of course, my husband said I had no proof that Sock did this damage.

This morning as I took the dogs out for their morning constitutional, I “found” the rest of the granola bar wrappers, and a full wrapper from a protein bar.  This as I was cleaning up from Sock! Scientific note: Wrappers do not digest very well.  They come out pretty much the same as when they went in!

I have the “evidence” in a plastic bag and will log it into evidence for my husband’s viewing if he wishes.  Just let me know honey….I will get it out for you to examine.

There is still one thing I want to know.  How does she open the zipper without thumbs?

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I love fall! I love Halloween!  I’m so excited to be having a Halloween party this year.  YAY!

Last night I made chocolate-dipped pretzel sticks. The chocolate was formed in a mold in the shape of a finger!  BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

Then I made Eyeball pretzel candies! They look gross, but taste great!

I am also going to make “Devilishly hot bat wings” (buffalo wings) and “worms with eyeballs” (Linguini and meatballs).

This is going to be fun.

I Always Feel Like Someone Is Watching Me!!!

I Always Feel Like Someone Is Watching Me!!!


Photos from Summer Trips

Sorry I haven’t been able to post anything recently.  It has been a crazy and busy Summer.  I thought I would post some of the pictures from our trips.  Enjoy!

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Welcome Home!

For twelve very long months our family has been praying for the safety of my Brother-in-law who was serving in Afghanistan.  My nephew also was deployed not long after his father.  My sister has been holding down the fort at home for way too long.  It is time for a homecoming.

I believe the only way my sister and the rest of our family made it through this past year, is because of the support and prayers of our friends and the community.  Thank you everyone for being there for us this past year.

Today, my sister and my niece will set off for his army base in MO to pick him up and bring him home!  Finally.  Thank you to all of the men and women serving our Country.  Let’s continue to pray for more safe homecomings.


Time Flew Again!

I can’t believe that tomorrow I will turn 51!  I swear it was just yesterday that I was 50 and having a “Be a kid again” party and spraining my ankle.  That is something I should forget.  I will try not to have a repeat of that! 

Here is to another great year!  Thank you everyone for helping me celebrate my birthday.

Who Has Been Sleeping In My Bed?

As most of you know, we have 4 “furry” children.  We are proud parents to two dogs and two cats.  My husband and I treat them pretty darn good if I do say so myself.  They get orthopedic peds since most of them are handicapped.  I have a bad back, but I don’t have an orthopedic bed!

The beds each “child” has is top-notch!  High-top pillow mattress of the animal kingdom.  However, as the pictures below will attest, no one seems to get which bed is his or her own.  I come home to find dogs in cat beds, cats in dog beds, dogs asleep on coffee tables, cats on MY PILLOWS, and one particular dog always on our Lazy Boy recliner.  My husband and I know exactly how those three bears felt when they came home to find Goldilocks asleep in their bed!

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Musical Chair

Losing 50lbs and feeling good about yourself can quickly dissipate when you sit down at your desk, hear a loud “crack”, fall a few inches, and realize you just broke the chair.

Sigh.  I guess I must really get moving on losing the last 25lbs.  I have been stalling since Christmas, but it is time to bring out the “30 Day Shred” again and get this diet back on track.

However, I’m torn between telling the Office Manager “I have no idea what happened” or “I broke it when I sat down.” I’m sure I will tell the truth, but it sure is embarrassing.

Manufacturer Defect? I sure hope so.

I think it is a manufacturer defect

List of Good Things Today

I have been feeling pretty sad lately which is why I haven’t written anything in a long time.  Things are just crappy. So I thought Iwould take time in my day to list things that should make me happy.  My list of good things.  I think this will help me have better days.

Saw 2 pairs of Painted Buntings in my bird feeder this morning.
Got lots of hugs from my hubby this morning.
The sky is a beautiful shade of blue today.
I got to have lunch with hubby.
We are getting dinner delivered tonight by some friends.
I have four new rose bushes planted.
Cooler weather will be here for the weekend.

Life is good.

I Has A Sad

I went home at lunch to find the landscaping guy putting in the new plantings we bought. However, he took out all of our old stuff first. He wasn’t supposed to remove my rose bush. He did. I know it is only a rose bush. However, I have had it for years, it grows fantastic roses, they are lovely and smell fantastic. I’m really upset about it. I’m not sure what to do to get over it. I keep telling myself that it is only a rose bush. Any ideas?